You'll probably only use one database file, and you only need to do these steps once per database file. One-Time Process of Creating a Password Database File and Putting it Google Drive

plgx file from this KeePass Favicon Downloader page and place it in the KeePass plugins folder.

Note that the version of KeePass we'll be using is KeePass2, so don't be afraid when folders or apps talk about KeePass2. The most notable links, folder locations, and component names are bolded. Future posts will cover if you want to be paranoid and trust only KeePass itself and Google.

This post assumes you are comfortable using KeePass Plugins and also browser plugins which make using KeePass extremely convenient. If you use the following steps, you'll be able to access your always-up-to-date password database from all of your devices that you've installed KeePass on. Also, there's the option of running KeePass under Mono on your MacOSX/Linux system. If you are hoping to use KeePass on Linux or MacOS, I haven't done it myself, but you might have success using KeePassXC or one of the KeePass packages that has made it into Mac OS X and several Linux distribution software repositories. This post also covers the one-time process of creating a password database and putting it in Google Drive. The following instructions are for how to set up the KeePass password manager on your Windows PCs, iPhones, and Android devices.